Net Picks - Inktober

With the advent of October comes Inktober. Inktober was started by the very talented Jake Parker back in 2009 as a way to help encourage everyone to post a drawing done in ink each day in October. Since its conception, thousands of drawings have been created. This week's Net Picks are artists who are participating in Inktober and that I follow on Instagram.

  1. Jake Parker - The founder of Inktober! I love looking at his inked drawings because there is so much goodness there. I love hos he expertly uses variable line widths to give elements depth.
  2. Flora Waycott - Flora's illustrations are super sweet and radiate such an innocent quality.
  3. Audra Furuichi - Creator and author of the comic series Nemu NemuHer comic inking skills show in her adorable Inktober characters!
  4. Sibylline Meynet - I love Sibylline's bold lines coupled with the delicate ink washes.

If you'd like to participate in Inktober or learn more about it, please check out this page on Jake Parker's website.

I'm a little late in the game but here is my Inktober piece for today.

©: please note that the written comments and opinions are my own and not paid or solicited. The art is copyrighted to their original creators (which you can reach by the links provided).