Net Picks - Skillshare a Great Online Learning Resource

Learning Resource Skillshare

I've been a subscriber to Skillshare for a while now and I've found it a great learning resource. There is a wealth of classes in a variety of topics that are all digital based. You can learn anything from digital design and illustration to cooking and crafting!

As a digital illustrator, I'm always looking to expand my skillset and keep up to date with the available tools that are available. Although I've been illustrating for over a decade, I feel it's still important for me to keep learning and discovering new things and I've found Skillshare to be a wonderful source of constant inspiration.

Skillshare is offering 3 months premium membership for only 99 cents! Yes! $0.99 for 3 months (while premium is usually about $10/month). A great deal to try it out! To get this offer you must sign up via this link.

Here is a short (but not too short) list of a few Skillshare classes that I feel are worth looking into: (please note although you cannot see the entire class you can still preview an intro video to each course through the links below)

Illustrator Resources:

Photoshop Resources:

Pattern Designing Resources:

I hope you do try out Skillshare! There is literally something for everyone! Please feel free to share your thoughts on the classes I've shared or ones you've taken that are worth checking out!


Tools of the Trade – Adding Texture to Your Digital Work - Although I mainly use Adobe Illustrator to create my digital illustrations, I still want a more “natural” look instead of the sleek ,perfectly smooth edges you can achieve with vectors. I use a variety of methods to incorporate more texture into my vector work, both in Illustrator and in Photoshop. Read more...

*Disclaimer: Although I'm a Skillshare affiliate, I only get compensated when someone signs up with a paid subscription! These recommendations are not paid for but my own personal opinion.