WIP Wednesday

Remember these guys? Well, they have a few new friends joining the treasure hunt.

I've finally fleshed out all the elements in Adobe Illustrator (CS6) and have moved everything into Photoshop. I really enjoy working in Photoshop because it's closer to working traditionally.

I try to work out the main colors (flats) in the vector stage. I like how easy (for me) it is to build the images in Illustrator. It does come at a cost though since I feel my technical drawing skills in Photoshop has suffered. I'd like to blame my downgraded tablet but I know that's not the case.

Now I'm building up textures and adding highlights and shading in Photoshop. This is my favorite part of the illustration process. Working digitally is wonderful in that I can change elements with ease, move things around and even easily recolor artwork if the mood strikes me. I can't stress the talent of those that work traditionally. I feel that I appreciate traditional artists even more now because not only do they have to deal with the nuances of the actual media, there is no such thing as CTRL-Z to undo their mistakes!

Here is a list of some of the tools I have used so far in this piece:

  1. Kyle’s Runny Inkers – shadows below eyepatch, hat and muzzle of pirate captain
  2. Kyle’s Ultimate Megapack for Photoshop – Pastel Palooza brush highlights on hat, ear and face

In addition to porfolio builder pieces like this one, I'm also currently working on some new personal projects that I hope to share with you soon!