MATS assignment 2 revisited

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This was my original design for the MATS Bootcamp assignment for March. I had started this design but when we were given a challenge to use a neutral palette I went with this design for the final. It took me a while to finish up my original design.  I spent a lot more time than I probably should, and I'm not sure if it's reflected in the final results. I have to admit that I did try out different techniques and effects that I hadn't used before in Illustrator for this piece so I don't feel the extra time and effort spent was a waste.  I do like the texturing effects I was able to achieve (all in Illustrator).

Although I enjoyed exploring using a neutral palette, I really like the punch of the brights on the dark background. I also like how the white of the dishes really pop. I'm glad I can still share this one even though it didn't originally make the cut. Please check out the close up images below to see the detail and textures I used.

artKat Uno